Walkie talkie

To ensure a radio link and ensure the safety of a dedicated person or room, the walkie talkie is a common communication device. Easy to use, it allows for quick interventions.

Translate the Walkie Talkie

The walkie talkie is a portable device that a person uses to talk to another distant individual with the same tool. It is a radio transmitter-receiver that allows remote radio linking as invented by Canadian engineer Donald Hings in 1937. The name walkie talkie comes from the English words "talk" and "walk." It means talking while walking. VHF and UHF frequencies are used. The concern is to minimize the length of the antenna. The range is between 5 km and 10 km in optimal conditions.

Purpose and necessity of the Walkie Talkie

The walkie talkie was initially reserved for military operations. The equipped soldiers communicate without any problems. Those in charge of operations use the long-range talkie to transmit orders and receive real-time status reports. Today, the use is also domestic, especially in the fields of surveillance, leisure and hunting, but in compliance with the legal provisions. They require respect for the privacy of others and non-interference and piracy of the frequencies used by public security services.

Benefits of walkie talkie

You can find walkie talkies at the radio shops. It is usually delivered in two copies, as it is used, at least, by two people who emit and receive alternately. It is practical and solid. You don't need to sign up for a subscription. The PRM 446 frequency for the general public is free. The rechargeable talkie is self-contained in terms of energy, at least 12 hours. It's up and running everywhere. Professionals must submit a request for use and frequency known as reserved to the competent authorities. By using the walkie talkie headset, you improve listening. You will keep in touch with your interlocutors with analog or digital or even hybrid walkie talkies, but set to the same frequency.

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