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How much intercom motorcycle can we connect together?

TheIntercom motorcycle is the only way to exchange between two-wheeled drivers authorized by the Highway Traffic Act. It is convenient for communicating in the middle of the driving. Yes! 2 to 10 bikers can exchange together by connecting their devices.


Several intercoms connected by technology

TheIntercom wired motorcycle gives way to theConnected Intercom. This has become possible thanks to the Internet. You install your Intercom's kit Bluetooth technology. Then take care of the connect to your smartphone. Your pilot friends also have Intercom connected. You can discuss in the middle of the line with several. Just be plugged into the same channel that allows you to talk simultaneously as in conference. The connection allows 5 or 6 interlocutors to exchange at the same time.


Several intercoms connected through range

To ensure a good liaison with Intercoms connected motorcycles, it is essential to choose the right models. The best brands guarantee minimum ranges between 800 metres and 1000 metres with Bluetooth technology.


Several intercoms connected through universal compatibility

The needs of bikers, who are more numerous to crisscross the roads as part of a road trip, are known to manufacturers. To do this, they offer intercom models that offer both a listening comfort, good range, but also other specific features (Vox, Bluetooth, charge autonomy). Their common goal is to market intercoms compatible with each other to limit the risk of interference and disruption. Each Intercom model therefore has this universal compatibility allowing high-speed communication quality 5 to 10 users simultaneously.