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Do you need a phone connected to your Intercom to talk to your passenger?

TheIntercom motorcycle is a communication kit which is mainly used to have real-time conversations with their passenger or other bikers. Although most of these devices offer call functions requiring a link to a smartphone, this option may be optional. There are even models that are intended only for communication between pilot and passenger.


Communicating with your passenger with Intercom without having to use a smartphone

When buying a Intercom, it is possible to order it duo kit. This includes two synchronized Intercoms to allow them to interconnect. These devices give a shorter range, of course, and ideally respond to a communication use between the pilot and his passenger. Particular without going through a smartphone. Responding to basic features, the Intercom/passenger driver requires only a connection between the two devices for the sole purpose of optimizing the conversation. This kit consists only of earbuds and microphones to allow you to chat in real time on your bike.  


Intercom duo kit, a safe, convenient and economical way to dialogue with its passenger

When riding a motorcycle, and as you accelerate, it becomes less and less obvious to isolate noises. This situation makes communication very difficult if you don't have the right Intercom kit in his possession. This can also be complemented by interference from musical sounds and listening to a confidential telephone conversation for an Intercom connected to a smartphone. To make sure you drive safely and give your passenger the full benefit of the ride, it's best to opt for an Intercom kit that offers only the communication function. Very practical, this solution also helps you to save your batteries and to appropriate a powerful Intercom.