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How to scramble a GPS tracker?

Given that the GPS tracker is not always used wisely. The GPS jammers have emerged to help people preserve their private lives and prevent attempts by some employers to harass or abuse their power.


Features of a GPS jammer

The GPS jammer can be obtained online from specialist sites. It is not difficult to get it. Especially since the prices offered are very affordable. This device comes in the form of a small case of tiny size very discreet, but whose efficiency is formidable. It is mainly used in the Counterintelligence in order to protect yourself from any attempt to spin.


How a jammer works

This type of device is very easy to install. Thanks to technological advances, its assembly on a car does not require the intervention of a specialist. Just plug it into the vehicle's cigarette lighter. Once mounted, the equipment scrambles GPS waves without necessarily impacting GSM frequencies. More concretely, the jammer transmits a signal that will prevent communication between the receiver and the transmitter within a given perimeter. It will also create interference. This makes it virtually impossible to locate the vehicle. The principle is to encrypt or truncate the signal emitted by the satellite. In this way, no information will reach the receiver.

It should be noted that the jammers were initially set up by governments to facilitate military interventions as well as espionage missions. The goal is to prevent the enemy from detecting the exact location of the troops or the place where the bombs will be dropped. Later, this technology was popularized in the market to facilitate its access to both individuals and businesses wishing to preserve their security.

Beware, some governments prohibit the use of GPS jammer.