GPS position

there GPS position is the determining a geographical location from GPS coordinates. These coordinates are made up of latitude and longitude of where you are. Longitude and latitude are basically arbitrary fixed lines to define a point on earth. The longitude or geographic length will determine the position to the east or west of the meridian. As for latitude or geographical width, it determines the distance between a line and the equator to the north or south. To get the coordinates of a location, you have the option to open the Google Maps tool on your computer and select the area that interests you on the map.

If, on the other hand, you want to position a moving object, you need to GPS tracker. You must therefore equip this object with the GPS beacon. They will receive the GPS coordinates of their route and send them over the internet on a tracking platform or SMS on your phone, if the GPS tracker has a GSM module. The coordinates you have collected will allow you to position the location of the object on a map. The accuracy of the GPS position varies between 5 and 10 meters. 

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